Armed Robbery

Defense of Minnesota Armed Robbery Charges

People arrested for armed robbery face potentially severe consequences if found guilty. Robbery statutes in Minnesota lay down the following penalties:

  • For simple robbery, a prison sentence of up to 10 years and/or a fine of up to $20,000. Simple robbery involves the use of force or the threat of force to take someone’s property.
  • For aggravated robbery, there are first-degree and second-degree charges. A first-degree charge pertains to robbery involving a dangerous weapon or the act of inflicting bodily harm on another; up to 20 years in prison and/or $35,000 in fines are possible. For a second-degree charge, you merely have to imply that you have a dangerous weapon in your possession; the punishment may be as much as 15 years in prison and/or $30,000 in fines.

Getting arrested for armed robbery leaves you vulnerable to the steeper penalties of aggravated robbery. You need an experienced and highly skilled criminal defense attorney who will know how to strengthen your case in every possible way. Kevin DeVore has an office in Woodbury, Minnesota and helps clients throughout the metro including surrounding St. Paul, Lake Elmo, and Oakdale.

When Facing Charges for Armed Robbery, How Can You Strengthen Your Case?

Carefully Review the Details

Cases of armed robbery can appear similar while differing in important ways. A seemingly minor detail can make a huge difference in how you construct your defense.

For example, let’s say multiple people get arrested in connection to the same robbery. The exact charges they face will differ depending on how they’re thought to have participated in the crime. In addition to simple or aggravated robbery, they may be charged with other crimes, such as burglary or kidnapping.

The following are just some of the pieces of evidence that your attorney needs to scrutinize:

  • Statements from witnesses, including victims, bystanders, and alibi witnesses.
  • Statements made by alleged accomplices or criminal confederates.
  • Photos and video footage.
  • Various types of forensic evidence, including fingerprints and ballistics analyses.

Even if someone ultimately pleads guilty or is found guilty in court, the penalties can differ substantially based on a number of factors. For example, whether someone actually inflicted bodily harm during the robbery will usually make a difference in penalty severity. Prior criminal convictions also influence current penalties. It’s crucial to accurately establish the details of a case.

Uncover Weaknesses in the Evidence Brought Against You

One potential weakness involves inconsistent claims made by witnesses. For instance, a witness may initially claim that you were threatening to use a gun, but later change their story to retract that claim or introduce contradictory information. This particular detail – the threat or use of a dangerous weapon – impacts the type of robbery charges you face.

Weak evidence can also involve “gray areas” of interpretation. For instance, you may be facing an aggravated robbery charge if you gave the impression of possessing a dangerous weapon. But what if your statements or gestures were misinterpreted?

A powerful attorney will look at every potential flaw in the evidence against you. From false or inconsistent witness testimony to incomplete or contaminated forensic evidence, they’ll overlook nothing.

Offer Proof of Mistaken Identity

  • Someone makes a false accusation against you, perhaps based on motives of financial gain or revenge.
  • An eyewitness didn’t get a clear view of what happened and has confused you with someone else.
  • Video footage is grainy.
  • Fingerprint evidence that seems to point to you can be explained in other ways.
  • You have one or more alibi witnesses who can testify that you weren’t at the scene when the alleged crime took place.

It’s not enough to be innocent of a crime. You need to work with an attorney who will present your case convincingly, highlighting all the evidence in your favor while dismantling the arguments made against you.

Contact DeVore Criminal Defense – Minnesota Criminal Defense Attorney

When you contact us, you’ll benefit from the strategies, skills, and knowledge developed through decades of experience with criminal defense cases.

A conviction for robbery can hit you with prison time, fines, and a criminal record.  Even if no one got hurt in the course of the alleged crime – and even if you didn’t actually brandish a weapon – your case can still lead to aggravated robbery charges. With a powerful attorney fighting for you, you’ll increase the chances of fair treatment and a favorable outcome for your case.